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I’m Christoph Paulus

CEO & Co-Founder of smaboo

Entrepreneurship, speaker & podcast


we are revolutionising the way we make appointments and calling it social scheduling. check out the next big thing and be part of it.


together with my brother we have the podcast gründerbrüder. the podcast for founders, entrepreneurs and all those who want to become one.

Helping You Achieve Success

You can either watch something happen or

be part of it.

as a founder, i know exactly how difficult it is sometimes to trust yourself and your own cause. far too often, you tell yourself that this already exists. why should i do this too?

it’s not about whether the product already exists. that can also be a deterrent for investors. the question is rather: do you do it better?


how important is it to you?


did you do a lot of research?

do you want it?

do it!

be disruptive

i am always looking for ways to make existing things even better.

be bold

brave and try things out! leave your comfort zone and dare to do something you never thought.

make an impact

it is important to me to realise things that have a positive social impact.

About Me

About Me After 14 years as a banker, a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in finance, I took the plunge. I quit my job!

I had a secure and, above all, very well-paid job. Nevertheless, I did it. Why? Because I believe that we can change the world with smaboo.

Every day I get up and give everything to realise my goals.

Do you want to know how?

be disruptive.

be bold.

make an impact.

You are looking for an investor for your project? You are looking for a sparring partner to challenge your idea? Let’s make something big out of your idea together!

I am also founder of PLS visionary ventures. A company for consulting and investing in startups.


the future starts today.